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SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 1-559

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Growth of Edge-Homogeneous Tessellations

Stephen Graves, Tomaž Pisanski, and Mark E. Watkins

pp. 1-18

Average Spectra and Minimum Distances of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Abelian Groups

Giacomo Como and Fabio Fagnani

pp. 19-53

The Linear Arboricity of Graphs on Surfaces of Negative Euler Characteristic

Jian-Liang Wu

pp. 54-58

On Cosets of Weight 4 of $BCH(2^{m},8), m$ Even, and Exponential Sums

Pascale Charpin, Tor Helleseth, and Victor Zinoviev

pp. 59-78

On the Distribution of Boolean Function Nonlinearity

Simon Litsyn and Alexander Shpunt

pp. 79-95

$K_6$-Minors in Triangulations on the Klein Bottle

Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Raiji Mukae, and Atsuhiro Nakamoto

pp. 96-108

Minimizing SONET ADMs in Unidirectional WDM Rings with Grooming Ratio Seven

Charles J. Colbourn, Hung-Lin Fu, Gennian Ge, Alan C. H. Ling, and Hui-Chuan Lu

pp. 109-122

The Erdös–Falconer Distance Problem, Exponential Sums, and Fourier Analytic Approach to Incidence Theorems in Vector Spaces over Finite Fields

Alex Iosevich and Doowon Koh

pp. 123-135

Integer Exact Network Synthesis Problem

S. N. Kabadi, J. Yan, D. Du, and K. P. K. Nair

pp. 136-154

Ramsey-Type Problem for an Almost Monochromatic $K_4$

Jacob Fox and Benny Sudakov

pp. 155-162

Approximate Integer Decompositions for Undirected Network Design Problems

Chandra Chekuri and F. Bruce Shepherd

pp. 163-177

Integrality Gaps of Semidefinite Programs for Vertex Cover and Relations to $\ell_1$ Embeddability of Negative Type Metrics

Hamed Hatami, Avner Magen, and Evangelos Markakis

pp. 178-194

Disjoint Color-Avoiding Triangles

Raphael Yuster

pp. 195-204

On $(3,1)^*$-Coloring of Plane Graphs

Baogang Xu

pp. 205-220

Geometric Realization of Möbius Triangulations

María Jose Chávez, Gašper Fijavž, Alberto Márquez, Atsuhiro Nakamoto, and Esperanza Suárez

pp. 221-232

Cleaning Regular Graphs with Brushes

Noga Alon, PaweL PraLat, and Nicholas Wormald

pp. 233-250

Approximating the Unweighted ${k}$-Set Cover Problem: Greedy Meets Local Search

Asaf Levin

pp. 251-264

Asymptotic Bounds on the Integrity of Graphs and Separator Theorems for Graphs

D. Benko, C. Ernst, and D. Lanphier

pp. 265-277

Can a Graph Have Distinct Regular Partitions?

Noga Alon, Asaf Shapira, and Uri Stav

pp. 278-287

Coloring Random Intersection Graphs and Complex Networks

Michael Behrisch, Anusch Taraz, and Michael Ueckerdt

pp. 288-299

Centers for Random Walks on Trees

Andrew Beveridge

pp. 300-318

A Combinatorial Characterization of Coxeter Groups

Mario Marietti

pp. 319-332

On Cusick's Method and Value Sets of Certain Polynomials over Finite Fields

Petri Rosendahl

pp. 333-343

Matchings and Nonrainbow Colorings

Zdeněk Dvořák, Stanislav Jendrol', Daniel Král', and Gyula Pap

pp. 344-348

Graph Searching in a Crime Wave

David Richerby and Dimitrios M. Thilikos

pp. 349-368

Reduction of Rota's Basis Conjecture to a Problem on Three Bases

Timothy Y. Chow

pp. 369-371

6-Critical Graphs on the Klein Bottle

Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Daniel Král', Jan Kynčl, and Bernard Lidický

pp. 372-383

Toric Surface Codes and Minkowski Length of Polygons

Ivan Soprunov and Jenya Soprunova

pp. 384-400

Real Zeros and Normal Distribution for Statistics on Stirling Permutations Defined by Gessel and Stanley

Miklós Bóna

pp. 401-406

A Bound on the Pathwidth of Sparse Graphs with Applications to Exact Algorithms

Joachim Kneis, Daniel Mölle, Stefan Richter, and Peter Rossmanith

pp. 407-427

Maximal Label Search Algorithms to Compute Perfect and Minimal Elimination Orderings

A. Berry, R. Krueger, and G. Simonet

pp. 428-446

More Patterns in Trees: Up and Down, Young and Old, Odd and Even

Nachum Dershowitz and Shmuel Zaks

pp. 447-465

Spanning Directed Trees with Many Leaves

Noga Alon, Fedor V. Fomin, Gregory Gutin, Michael Krivelevich, and Saket Saurabh

pp. 466-476

$k$-Chromatic Number of Graphs on Surfaces

Zdeněk Dvořák and Riste Škrekovski

pp. 477-486

Algorithms for Dualization over Products of Partially Ordered Sets

Khaled M. Elbassioni

pp. 487-510

Linear Bound on the Irregularity Strength and the Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Graphs

Jakub PrzybyLo

pp. 511-516

A General Lower Bound for Potentially $H$-Graphic Sequences

Michael J. Ferrara and John Schmitt

pp. 517-526

Distributive Lattices Defined for Representations of Rank Two Semisimple Lie Algebras

L. Wyatt Alverson II, Robert G. Donnelly, Scott J. Lewis, Marti McClard, Robert Pervine, Robert A. Proctor, and N. J. Wildberger

pp. 527-559